Unlock the full potential of Instagram Stories as a sales powerhouse

even if you have a small audience and limited time!

Let's start by saying:

this is NOT how to use the features!!

It is a two-part masterclass guiding you through the simplest way to make more sales through your content

Does this sound familiar?

  • You didn't know it was the hottest place for making sales on Instagram and realise you have been leaving money on the table this whole time because you have been sharing your morning cuppa with ZERO context and wonder why no one jumps into your DMs to work with you.

  • You are aware that Instagram Stories could literally bring in your next sale but you don't know what to say or how to do it

    so you share your feed content/Reel in the hope for more visibility.

  • Watching your engagement metrics drop with each story so try fit everything you want to say in one story slide and no one bites.

I've got GREAT news.... It doesn't have to be this way!

What if I told you that things could be different?

  • Learn how to create variety in your story content so that every time your circle shows up on their algorithm, they are watching straight away to hear what you have to say.

  • Create a community who love to binge watch you and are part of your hype team- engaging and sharing!

  • People sliding into your DMs for more information on your offers.

  • Make more sales in a way that feels effortless.

  • Have fun along the way- stories are the perfect place to let your audience see the real person behind the brand, whilst building authority and being strategic.

Here's the truth:

80% of business owners are not using stories in a strategic way!

It's like stories is an after-thought! You spend time creating the Reels and Posts and that's great, but you are serving HALF of your audience.

What about the other half who only consume Story content? How can they make an informed buying decision if the content they see is being covered up by a Sticker or seeing the bare minimum context.

Hi, I'm Audrey! I'm a business and marketing coach, specialising in Instagram and TikTok.

With 20+ years as an entrepreneur, I know exactly how precious your time is. That's why I'm dedicated to accelerating your journey towards your goals! I've invested countless hours experimenting with various content strategies, so you don't have to go through the same trial and error. This year I have upped my game as an Insta-Story Queen and have had my highest income year. It's no coincidence though, just a strategy that takes me around 15-20 minutes per day.

My mission is to empower you to confidently TAKE UP SPACE in the online world, all while staying true to yourself. It's not just about being visible; it's about shining a spotlight on your unique strengths and insights, allowing your authentic voice to resonate and connect with your audience effortlessly so they are jumping into your DMs to work with you.

We will cover:

  • How to confidently show up and build authority everyday in under 5 minutes

  • Creating effective Story sequences that keep your audience engaged

  • How to infuse personality without even talking into the camera

  • Learn how to appeal to a wider audience by incorporating learner styles

  • Move people through the customer journey DIRECTLY through your stories

  • Build Brand and Offer Awareness that keeps you at the top of your target audience's mind (and algorithm)

  • Sell through your stories in a way that feels fun and effortless

Join the InstaStory Sales Masterclass For Just £97

It was like mist clearing! Audrey taught me so much about getting to grips with how to exactly meet my clients needs and to really talk to them directly through my content. I came off that first call feeling that I’d had so much value and with a load of actions to do.

Audrey gave me the confidence to put myself out there – after the second session I put an offer which I hadn’t even considered before then, and I had two people book on, making my first sales. I then went on to make over 52 sales in my first ever launch.

I’d 100% recommend working with her, her coaching and tips are great value.

So much so that Joanne has resigned up to continue working together.

Joanne Juliff

Before working with Audrey, I was stuck when it came to knowing when and what to post, how to tie in my work with what people see on my socials, with ideas and the format and structure of posts.

Audrey helped me understand that being strategic can actually be easy. I liked how Audrey came fully prepared and was able to answer my questions quick fire and gave a huge amount of value!!

I am now feeling in tune with what I need to be doing, excited, clued up instead of clueless, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!

Thank you Audrey!

Cassie Watts

What others said about InstaStory Sales

One Last Thing I Want You To Know:

I've received 100% Client Satisfaction

When you join my world, it's not just about another enrolment. It's about you and your unique journey. I want to know your dreams, your struggles, and your ambitions. I want to see you break free from the chains of uncertainty and become unstuck. Your success is my success, and nothing would bring me greater joy than witnessing your passion radiate through your content. Be sure to keep me updated or drop me any questions over on Instagram @audrey_thesocialcoach